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Mick Fennell

Transformations - the hidden fly in the payment hub implementation ointment

The implementation of any new enterprise payments hub comes with multiple different challenges. Indeed headaches abound, from changes to operational procedures, to definition of new workflows, to upd...

07 May 2015
A Finextra Member

SMEs top 3 priorities for the next government

SMEs are the backbone of the British economy. There are over 5 million of these ventures in the UK right now, and they are in great rip-roaring health. The banking big four handle the majority of SMEs...

07 May 2015
A Finextra Member

Banking and the British Elections - the 5 biggest frights for FS companies

As the elections loom large and the party leaders are, as we speak, on some campaign bus or another, covering large swathes of the British Isles in the desperate bid to win over last minute voters, ho...

06 May 2015
Robert Siciliano

Consumers sacrificing Privacy for Convenience

It’s hard to believe that, according to a recent poll from the Pew Research Center, most Americans aren’t too upset that the government can track their e-mails and phone calls. There’s too much of a b...

06 May 2015
Anthony Pickup

The impact of the Apple Watch on Apple Pay on In-store payments?

With the launch of the Apple Watch on the 24th April and its support for Apple Pay, one question is; “Will customers prefer the Apple Watch over the iPhone 6 for in-store Apple Pay purchasing?” A surv...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

Get me addicted to Saving!

“Saving is consumerism needlessly postponed” – Rory Sutherland, Ogily My name is Duena Blomstrom and I’m addicted to instant gratification. My four and a half year old often says “waiting for patience...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

It has to fit in the box on the front

Business banking. Who hasn’t lived or at least heard the stories? Getting a business account in the UK is a nightmare. It takes forever, the hoops you have to jump through are bureaucracy at its worse...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

What can save Banking? Experience Supermen

This post could have any of these tag lines and neither: Change. Organisations. Mammouth structures. Culture. Inertia. Banks. Extinction. “Banks won’t cease to exist but the banking experience of toda...

06 May 2015
Duena Blomstrom

The Necessity of Dudes with Folding Bikes: Or Why Innovation Needs Drums and a Draconic Pace

Innovation. Culture. Innovation Culture. Chief Innovation Officer. Officer to Chiefly Innovate. Labs, hack-athlons, incubators, accelerators, internal teams on innovation weekends and shinny furniture...

06 May 2015
Graham Seel

Financial Inclusion Will Require Simplicity

Can we reach full financial inclusion in 5 years? Given the World Bank FI2020 goals, apparently our world leaders think the answer is yes. But those of us working in the commercial banking segment see...

06 May 2015
Financial Inclusion
A Finextra Member

Apple's Surprising Role with Apple Pay: Reseller, not Innovator

Apple is recognized as one of the most innovative companies in the world. However, with their Apple Pay offering launched last year, they are playing a surprising role: reseller for the credit car

05 May 2015
Abhishek Chatterjee

Mobile world Congress - Barcelona,2015 - Changing Priorities for Mobile Industry

The entire Mobile industry is getting disrupted across the world as its transitioning from distance based revenue model to volume based revenue model. The key actors (Mobile Operators, Device manufact...

02 May 2015
Innovation in Financial Services

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