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Scott Cutler

The new small branch office

Remote working saw a spike like never before during the first half of 2020, with workers across the globe forced out of the office and into lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19. There wasn’t a sing...

14 Apr 2021
Information Security
Scott Cutler

Why cloud might not be a simple solution for your Financial Services business

As businesses scrambled to enable more flexible and remote working environments, embracing digital capabilities has become essential for all in 2020. The corporate world has been working around the cl...

18 Jan 2021
Information Security
Scott Cutler

Putting a price on protection: the importance of cyber insurance

For almost as long as businesses have been subject to risk, some form of insurance has existed to mitigate their exposure. The first recorded commercial insurance policies date back to Babylonian tim...

23 Mar 2020
Information Security
Scott Cutler

Three’s a crowd: why third-party vendors are both an opportunity and a threat

From social media apps to exercise tracking and online shopping, today consumers are producing data at an unprecedented rate and businesses of every type are under pressure to ensure the safety of tha...

18 Dec 2019
Information Security
Scott Cutler

More than the sum of parts: why collaboration is key to security in financial services

From “The Italian Job” to “Point Break”, “Bonnie and Clyde” to “Baby Driver”, many of the most popular heist movies are about bank robberies. As it is in fiction, so it is in fact; when bank robberies...

14 Nov 2019
Information Security
Scott Cutler

FS organisations require a more sophisticated level of threat protection, here’s why

The financial services industry continues to be a prime target for cyber criminals. The opportunities available to steal payment card data, online banking accounts, compromise ATM machines using ranso...

10 Sep 2019
Information Security
Scott Cutler

The Cyberthreat Trends the Financial Sector Needs to Follow

By Scott Cutler, Director, Sales - UK&I MAM at Fortinet For cybercriminals, a successful cyberattack has the potential to bring significant financial gain. Capitalising on the theft of informa

30 Jan 2019
Financial Risk Management
Scott Cutler

Recognising and Preventing Multi-Cloud Security Risks Within the Financial Services Sector

The past few years have seen cloud adoption soar as organisations have begun to fully understand the benefits that the cloud can offer in terms of storage, flexibility, scalability and cost savings.

04 Dec 2018
Scott Cutler

The Growing Threat of Cryptomining

It seems like the whole world is talking about bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology – around dinner tables, at the pub, and even in government meetings. It has also become a hot topic

05 Oct 2018
Futuristic Banking
Scott Cutler

Protecting Financial Services from the Risks of Mobile Payments

The financial services sector is a high-value target for hackers, and therefore faces daily attacks that attempt to bypass defences protecting a growing number of attack vectors. A staggering 36 per

05 Oct 2018
Transaction Banking

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