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323 Results from /people

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Why communities naturally reduce financial risk

Sometimes an idea is so good that everyone has it at once. One such idea is the ROSCA - a rotating savings and credit association - known as ekub in Ethiopia, cundinas in Mexico, tanomoshiko in Japan and dhukuti or dhikuti in Nepal. At a recent developer meetup I was able to hear from from Matthew Addison, CEO of StepLadder who has built a whole bu...

/people /devops API

Jose Pierre

Jose Pierre CEO at Marketware International, Inc.

Leadership in a COVID-19 era

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing and hearing about the innovative ways people are staying connected and reassuring each other. Likewise, the heroic acts of compassion and, the tireless, selfless, dedications of many doctors and nurses are an inspiration. Their care for those affected by the virus go beyond the call of duty and, performed

/people /covid-19 Finextra site news

Willem Lambrechts

Willem Lambrechts Managing Director at Drebbel

The Loudest Voice

Governments are cautiously starting to relax the lockdown. Economic life, or what is left of it, starts picking up. Everybody is encouraged to “go digital” and work from home. That is probably fair enough for a lot of people conducting tasks that do not involve interactions with clients, suppliers, partners. But how about sales, or looking from th...

/people /startups Digital Sales

Ketharaman Swaminathan

Ketharaman Swaminathan Founder and CEO at GTM360 Marketing Solutions

Demystifying The Ubiquitous Sample Size Of 2000

Back in the day, we learned in statistics that you need a sample size of at least 2% of the size of population to make statistically significant conclusions about the behavior of the population. In common speak, the expression "statistically significant" means "valid". Nevertheless, if you're like me, you regularly come across ...

/people /retail

Ron Cogburn

Ron Cogburn CEO at Exela Technologies

How The Right Preparation Can Help Your Business Survive During A Crisis

As Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." This is a repost from my recent article for the Forbes Technology Council According to FEMA, up to 40% of small businesses can be forced to shut down in the wake of a disaster. Historically, fires, epidemics and even extreme weather events have devastated bu...

/people /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Lisette Anciaes

Lisette Anciaes Senior Account Director at TCA Group of Companies

How Virtual Prepaid Cards are helping Reward, Motivate and Incentivize Employees during COVID-19

We are living in uncertain times; the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the world as we know it more specifically the work force. Although there have been thousands of layoffs, so many people are still working from home or through preventative measures at their workplaces and many employers are looking for ways to motivate those that are out there for...

/people /covid-19 Fintech

Jonathan Westley

Jonathan Westley Chief Data Officer, Experian UK & EMEA at Experian

Covid-19: protecting vulnerable consumers is a must

The past few weeks have served up a range of unprecedented challenges for everyone and we are all quite rightly focused on staying safe and healthy. But many people will also be concerned with their financial health too, which will certainly be a worry if your income has taken an unexpected hit. This isn’t a normal time we are living in and it’s g...

/people /covid-19 Financial Risk Management

Anand Subramaniam

Anand Subramaniam SVP Global Marketing at eGain Corporation

Clone Your Best Bankers, Ignite Sales, and Turbocharge Growth

Introduction “A decade on from the global financial crisis, signs that the banking industry has entered the late phase of the economic cycle are clear: growth in volumes and top-line revenues is slowing, with loan growth of just 4 percent in 2018.” - McKinsey, Inc. “Banks are challenged with growth. In fact, the average operating income growth rat...

/people /retail Customer Service 2015-2019-2025

Bhavesh Vaghela

Bhavesh Vaghela SVP B2B Product and Innovation at Collinson

Staying Connected ...

I am writing this with the intention it may help others as the new normal of social distancing and isolation continues... Humanity faces one of its most testing times since the world war, the hidden enemy COVID-19 has impacted the global population in different ways, personally and professionally. The social fabric that holds society together wil...

/people /covid-19 After hours

Retired Member

Retired Member 

A dynamic payments environment calls for the right partner

Not too long ago, payment methods were limited. Now, the constant increase in choices leads consumers to change habits quickly. The payment options travel companies offer their customers can be a major differentiator. If a traveler discovers an OTA or supplier doesn’t accept their preferred method, they may shop elsewhere. Deloitte’s Payment Trend...

/payments /people Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

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