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Joe Rodriguez

Joe Rodriguez Sr. Managing Director Financial Services at Cloudera

How can data analytics impact decision-making in the fintech industry?

Data has become an essential driver for new monetisation initiatives in the fintech industry. Vast amounts of data are collected from customers, transactions, and market movements, among other sources. This offers tremendous potential to extract valuable insights that can inform business decisions, improve customer service, and create new revenue ...

/regulation /retail Analytics in Banking

Joe Rodriguez

Joe Rodriguez Sr. Managing Director Financial Services at Cloudera

Smart Savings: How AI Can Drive Cost Reduction in Financial Services

The financial services industry faces constant change, from rapid technological advances to new regulations and evolving customer expectations. For financial services companies to succeed today, they need to strike a delicate balance between fostering innovation and cutting costs. Traditionally, firms used expensive third-party solutions to pinpoi...

/regulation /cloud Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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