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477 Results from 2007

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Total disintermediation?!

I think it is correct to say that the technological changes of the last decade have not bought changes to the pricing transparency and structuring of retail banking products. The high street banks act as a marketing arm for products that are in some cases very efficient and have a readily available fair value. Consumers may no longer fall for &q

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Outlook 2008: A Nutshell

Time to consider what the year ahead might have in store. Volatility and uncertainty seem to be at an all-time high making an already difficult project that much more challenging. What follows are what we believe to be the four key drivers underpinning financial affairs in the coming year. 1. U.S. Economy Overall, we expect 2008 to be a year of...

Trends in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Technology vendors could help

Regarding staff shortages, I would argue that the providers of technology to hedgefunds could do a better job of developing an ecosystem of knowledgeable individuals of their software. For example, these vendors could create incentives so that consulting companies can develop "practices" on a specific system. Some consulting firms alread...

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Bankers, are you ready for next wave? Wake up now for GEN Y.

In next few years, GEN Y is to mature quickly and big revolution is due. Needless to say, virtual / online world is sure to dominate the offline channel in less than a decade. And this will be major boon for service sector e.g. financial services, Music, travel, hospitality, retail, telecom etc. The key question is, are we guys ready? Are banks re...

/retail Online Banking

Matt White

Matt White North America editor at Finextra

Good time to bury bad news?

Christmas – a time to spend time with loved ones, relax with plenty of food and drink and, if you’re a troubled fintech firm, slip out any embarrassing news whilst the rest of us are busy doing better things. At least that’s the thought that, perhaps uncharitably, crossed my mind when press releases from payments processor ACI Worldwide and ATM man...


Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Finextra Community - end of year report

The Finextra Community site was launched with little fanfare to a small coterie of beta users back in February this year. In opening the community we were hoping to create a forum for interaction with our global user base, and create a logical series of private and public spaces on the Web where fintech professionals could congregate, make connect...

/retail /wholesale

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Don't be a Scrooge this holiday

Aaron Patzer, founder of money management software start-up Mint, extols the virtue of his patent-pending technology engine in a video posted via prnewswire. The system aggregates all your spending across all your bank accounts and classifies transactions so that you can see at a glance what you're spending your money on and where you can trim any...

/payments /retail Video extravaganza

Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis Founder at Finextra Research

Oyster Card good, payment by mobile bad

London's Mayor, Ken Livingstone has earned some brownie points for the introduction and extension of the Oyster Card. But Writer and blogger, Matthew Stibbe vents on his experiences of being required to use a mobile phone to pay for a parking meter in Central London. Matthew used to run a software company, so if he has trouble with usability then...

Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose Head of Research at Finextra

Street-level innovation in mobile commerce

As principal researcher for Nokia, Jan Chipchase travels around the world looking at how people live their lives and interact with new technology. In this video presentation he turns the spotlight on street-level innovation in mobile communications and commerce, and questions the implications for payments, identity and banking in the future. It's...

/payments /retail Video extravaganza

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Test your backup strategy - pour wine into your computer

Don't try this at home. I'm sure there is a branch of mathematics or psychology than can adequately explain why disastrous events seem to occur more frequently than you might expect. So - the toast will seemingly always fall buttered side down - into the cat litter tray - and the full glass of wine when knocked will always follow a perfect traject...

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