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961 Results from 2012

Retired Member

Retired Member 

UBS Fine - Banks Need to Clean Up Reputations In 2013

Things can’t get much worse for UBS. Weeks after it was rocked by an FSA fine for almost £30 million for failure to detect the trading of a fraudulent banker, the Swiss bank was last week slammed with an almighty fine of almost £1 billion for manipulating Libor rates. The fine is the second largest fine ever levied on a bank and is more than three...


Bo Harald

Bo Harald Chairman/Founding member, board member at Trust Infra for Real Time Economy Prgrm & MyData,

My name is Guy. Same Guy. Reissued

My name is Guy. Mr Same Guy. I show up in as a so called private customer off hours, then during working hours as a corporate customer, as a citizen in public sector services and often also as a member of associations, clubs etc. My point is that there are no corporate customers, no private customers, no citizens etc - only human customers or users...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Ten Months of the Mortgage Market in 140 characters or less

Ten Months of the Mortgage Market Social Media in 140 characters or less A selection of my tweets on the mortgage market over the last ten months - at last the market is recovering albeit slowly. March Stamp Duty - It may only be March but the holiday’s over : Do the numbers stack up? How a buy-to-let boom has transformed the m...

/retail Innovation in Financial Services

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Many channels but one brand voice

In the current economic climate, it would be reasonable to expect that price points might be beginning to erode brand loyalty for consumers, as they seek out the best deals at the expense of their favourite retailers. However, a recent survey from e-commerce and digital marketing solutions provider EPiServer revealed that the majority of online sh...


Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft

Dexter malware, targeting Christmas shoppers

The holiday season is a prime time for fraudsters to target consumers' credit cards and it's not surprising that Dexter has come to light a week before Christmas. Dexter is yet another malware variation that targets point-of-sale purchases by skimming debit and credit cards and stealing account holders' details for subsequent fraudulent use. Dexte...

/security Information Security

Retired Member

Retired Member 

Fraud: You're only as good as your last prevention.

The industry analogy is that fraud is like a balloon, you squeeze the fraudsters in one area and they pop out somewhere else. Sometimes it’s predictable like when chip & PIN was introduced, already high CNP fraud rose still further and x-border fraud levels rose (though not as sharply and as quickly as had been forecast) Often, however, th...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

Visa Hungary - Are they are losing their appetite?

If the recent article published on the Pymnts web site is accepted then it seems that Visa may be considering an exit strategy from Hungary in the face of substantial, and continuing, market share loss to MasterCard. According to the article, and cross referenced pieces, Visa’s problems stem from a commitment made to the EC to reduce (debit card)...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

The effect of Mega Processors on card scheme fees?

It is becoming increasingly obvious to me that the Global and Regional card payment processing organisations have their sights set, if not on world or territorial domination, certainly on ever increasing size and scale. Where organic growth fails to deliver to aspirations, smaller operations are routinely acquired. Assuming this trend continues...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

You want to think Outside the Box. Then get Outside the Box!

Have you noticed it? I’ve been into countless financial service organisations and a recurring theme I’ve observed in practically all of them is that where staff come together (canteen, seminar, Christmas parties, etc.) and even generally around the office there is a tendency for the upper levels of management to congregate into their respective...


Retired Member

Retired Member 

What's the Incentive in being a Super Achiever?

Is there any real incentive? As a general rule, though I accept there are exceptions at a corporate level and for certain sections of employees, most financial services companies will cap bonuses and use prior year performance as the measure for the following year’s performance objectives. Now if I have a whizzo idea that I know will, let’s say...


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