9 Results
Barry Kislingbury Lead Solutions Consultant at ACI Worldwide
2018 will certainly feature in the annals of the history of immediate payments: 3 major schemes – Real Time 1 (EBA RT1) for the processing of SEPA Credit Transfer Instant in Europe, The Clearing House (TCH) Real Time Payments in the US, and the Australian New Payments Platform (NPP) – went live within a month. These schemes will enable real-time
16 February 2018 /payments Innovation in Financial Services
Immediate Payments must be part of an open banking strategy. The question that most banks are asking themselves, as real-time payments schemes gather pace in different markets around the world, is, “How do we enable real-time, digitally-enabled payments in the best possible way?” To answer that question, banks need to consider FAST payments in the ...
07 November 2017 /payments UK Faster Payments
Global real time interoperability is in our sights – immediate payments plus the industry consensus that ISO 20022 is the standard ‘de jour’ are paving the way towards a harmonised digital banking future. The first draft of the ‘rule book’ was launched earlier this year by the ISO 20022 Real-Time Payments Group, outlining the correct flows and lan...
18 September 2015 /payments /regulation Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
It is not very often in our industry that we get the opportunity to say there is fantastic news for banks, however that is exactly what the new ‘World Class Payments’ project, instigated by the UK Payments Council and Payment Services Regulator (PSR) is. The project has been launched to review the UK’s payment schemes, looking forward 10 years to 2...
18 June 2015 /payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
I had an interesting conversation recently that followed on from the Sibos 2011 Standards Forum in Toronto where the Canadian Payment Association (CPA) discussed its plans to use ISO 20022 for both High and Low value payments. The CPA has now put out a discussion paper that goes further than most countries’ thinking today. The current trend is t...
14 September 2012 /payments /sibos
January 31st 2012 was a SEPA day for me. First I had to present to the Misys Banking leadership team on what the news around SEPA migration dates means for the market, I had a new EPC news letter to review, all 51 pages, and then the Financial Service Club was running an event called Is SEPA happening and does it matter? It all seemed to re-start...
01 February 2012 /payments Transaction Banking
February is the time for many of us to visit SWIFT for the annual Partner meeting. It was nice to see some new faces this year and it’s also a great opportunity to catch up and discuss SWIFTs strategies with the regular crowd. SWIFT is a unique organisation in the midst of change, it is trying to become more commercial but it is also a standards b...
11 March 2011 /payments /wholesale Transaction Banking
It’s funny where your inspiration comes from. I had to do my annual tax return recently, which amazingly resulted in a small refund. What surprised me though (or maybe it shouldn’t) is that Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) then went to all the trouble of sending me a cheque in the post. Why does this amaze me? Well, it was the UK Gove
21 February 2011 /payments /retail Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
The term ‘Payment Services Hub’ (PSH) has become the latest and greatest buzz word in the payments industry, and promises a new and innovative alternative to the traditional ‘payment engine’. This is because payment engine projects have the reputation of being for the larger bank, ridiculously expensive, difficult to implement and even harder to ...
03 December 2010 /payments /wholesale Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030
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