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At least it isn't pink ...

Citi recently re-launched its personal finance site, Women & Co - opening up the site to non-Citi customers. 

Well done, finally we women have a personal finance site that speaks to the issues that really matter to women ", family, home, investments, and lifestyle..." 

Because we all know men are never interested in any of the above. And, why is it that only women seem to care about "lifestyle"?

Ok, maybe I'm grumpy today. But a few months ago Lego launched their first playset aimed at little girls ...Lego Friends! Way-hey! And here I was thinking Lego had always made toys for girls ... it was called LEGO. 

I guess even money has a gender bias...



Comments: (1)

Matt White
Matt White - Finextra - Toronto 07 February, 2012, 15:39Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

Coincidently, DailyWorth, an "online community designed to help women master their money" has put out a PR today about a new tie-up with PFM site Mint.

I agree, this gender-specific stuff seems a bit retrograde but then DailyWorth has 250,000 newsletter subscribers so it must what (some) women want.

I also spotted this piece on (very pink) girl-only mobile phones a few weeks ago but they're for the Japanese market so can maybe be disregarded... 

Elizabeth Lumley
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