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How to Make a Game App for a Business Startup?

Mobile games are the highest revenue earners among all apps. It also offers the unparalleled creative scope to build something that immediately engages game players and turns the public's attention to a brand. This is why even companies representing other business niches are now showing interest in mobile game apps. For example, an investment company, just to promote their services to a larger audience, can create a game app showcasing investment benefits.

Businesses are also trying to build game apps to provide training to their workforce. Game-based training is gaining popularity for remote skill development. Irrespective of the nature of your business, if you want to impart skills and train your employees in a highly interactive manner, building a skill-based game app can be highly effective.

So, a business startup, irrespective of its niche, can develop a mobile game for branding, customer outreach, and training and skill development. The question is how to go about it? How to make a mobile game that perfectly serves your business interest? Let us explain it in a step-by-step manner.  

Explore the Game App Idea

First of all, have a clear idea about the game app you want to develop and the purpose it is going to serve. Do you want to create an intelligent game app to promote your fashion brand or even an equipment manufacturer? Then try our internet marketing service. Rule 1: It's crucial to understand your target, whether it's fashion enthusiasts or those interested in equipment manufacturing. This will help you rank on the first page of SERP as we are a talented digital marketing agency that specializes in SEO. We focus on high-quality and exceptional results for all of your SEO, and digital marketing needs. Also, it is quite possible to promote fashion wearables or equipment through game logic and game characters competing for different outfits or tools.

Similarly, a business app can sensitize people on the need for investment and insurance through a game involving making investments, purchasing, buying insurance, and managing finance. An equipment manufacturer can train customers to troubleshoot issues through a game-like interface displaying practical issues and solutions.  

So, depending upon your business niche and the objective, you need to develop a few game app ideas. No idea is perfect until and unless it is validated through brainstorming and audience research. So, let's move to the next step and explain how to validate your game app idea.

Validate the Game App Idea

To proceed, one might consider diving into platforms like gamingmet for comprehensive audience and market insights, aiming to authenticate the game app concept. Have you ever thought of asking your present customers and dedicated employees about their take on this? Does the notion enthrall them to an extent where they'd be engrossed for prolonged durations or feel compelled to revisit the app repeatedly?

Does the game, apart from its pleasure value, coincide with the business objective? If it is a game to make would-be investors know about the importance and tricks of personal finance management, does the game app do it well? If it is a game app to showcase the benefits of a range of products, does it engagingly do the same?

To validate the game app idea, you also need to ask them specific questions on the strengths and shortcomings of the idea and what are the things they find missing in the proposed game. It is always advisable to reach out to the audience for validation with a clear-cut prototype to easily relate to the actual look and feel of the game.

Lastly, find out all the business game apps showcasing a similar concept or boasting a similar objective. Now find out the strengths and weaknesses of these apps and understand how you can address them with a better app for your brand.   

Hiring an Expert Game Development Company

If you are a business with no in-house design and development expertise, hiring a new in-house team of developers for your app project will be a little too impractical. It is always advisable for businesses outside of the IT field to outsource the game app project to experts who have proven expertise in developing games for businesses.

For hiring a game development company, it is always advisable to start by understanding the project requirements in detail. What mobile platform will you target, whether it will be a native app or hybrid app, or cross-platform app, and what technology stack do you require for building the game? It would help if you answered these questions first.

When it comes to hiring a game development company, consider their portfolio of business apps first. Secondly, consider the skilled resources and how long they are with the company. Thirdly, make sure they have a well-equipped game development lab and required infrastructure. Fourthly, you need to check out the reviews of their clients and their opinions on the development company. You also need to consider their post-development support, maintenance, and update services. Last but not least of all these considerations will be the rate and pricing for the project.

Game Development Engines

Though you rely on a game development company for your project, you should have a clear idea about the most powerful and well-equipped game development engines for developing 2D and 3D games. Depending upon the complexity of the game project, the availability of the skilled resources, and the development budget, you can opt for a simple game engine with a drag and drop interface or can opt for game engines that allow custom development.

As for template-based drag and drop game engines, you can choose from options like Unreal Engine, Construct 2, Cocos 2D, and a few others. You have several game engines like Unity, GameMaker, Corona SDK, Good Barber, and several others for intermediate-level game engines with options to incorporate custom code.

Focus on Building a Simple Game App

It is always recommended to build a simple game to launch your app and make avenues open for further value addition. You can focus on the elementary gaming experience and features for your first release. As the user feedback rolls in, you can further make changes and make additions and alterations. This approach, widely known as Minimum Viable Product (MVP) will help you lower the initial development cost while developing a highly user-validated product.


Last but not least piece of advice for your business game app will be concentrating on the gaming experience and app performance. Besides carrying out rigorous testing, you also need to reduce the unnecessary cognitive load and resource-consuming features to ensure a seamless gaming experience.


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Victor Martin

Victor Martin



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26 Jan 2017



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