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Business Objectives, Communications and Collaboration

The enormous and continuing success of i-devices, tablets and smartphones raises the question of how they can best be used to fulfil business strategy. Having the technology is one thing, but using it effectively in business is quite another. You know you want it, but how can you justify it in terms of return on investment and benefits to your business? Should your device strategy be part of a broader approach?  Many organisations order devices for their employees, but only those that make a systematic effort manage to introduce many business improvements through their use. Fortunately, as the pressure for greater return on investment increases, so an increasing number of CTOs are taking steps to ensure a business-driven approach and they are the ones that are now reaping the benefits.

Actually there are lots of things you can do to get value for money through improved communication and mobility. In a recent project, we identified more than twenty significant ways that the core business processes can be improved to either save money, improve safety, reduce risk, or increase revenue earning opportunities. The technology will not look after itself so you need to stand back and take an objective look, to begin from first principles and deliver solutions that answer the needs of the business.

You have to start thinking in a different kind of way and be driven by business objectives. You must find the slack in the system and develop new ways of streamlining fulfilment processes that affect value chains and ultimately the supply chain. You could start with obvious things like speeding up ordering, delivery and billing processes for those low-hanging apples. You can then move on in a systematic way to more exciting orchards that address new markets, develop new methods of collaboration in research and product development, and boost the creative aspects of innovation in product or service lifecycle management. If in the process you eliminate drudgery and increase employee satisfaction there will be further less visible benefits that will eventually filter through to the bottom line.

To develop these ideas using invention and best practice is the work of specialists working closely with business champions backed by Board-level sponsorship. And yes, device strategy, approach to implementing Unified Communications, and the introduction of best practice all fit into a broader strategy to meet strategic business goals in a holistic way.


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Andrew Fear

Andrew Fear

Advisor / Consultant


Member since

31 Oct 2006


Augsburg, Germany

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Unified Communications in Financial Services

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