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Hart departs as News Corp shakes up Dow Jones

Financial information group Dow Jones is to combine its enterprise and consumer divisions in a shake-up that will see the departure of Clare Hart, president of the enterprise business, who had champio...

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Love News Corp. or leave it

The latest re-organisation of Dow Jones by Murdoch's News Corp. did not leave a place for market data veteran Clare Hart.

Management reshuffles are nothing new in any industry. A press release is issued with the top brass thanking the departing exec for 'all their years of service' and  contribution to the growth of the company -yada yada yada...

I am intrigued by some of the published language coming from both camps this week. Normally us journos get met with a party line about 'looking forward to new opportunities' - the financial technology equivalent of 'spending more time with my family.'

However, Les Hinton, chief executive of Dow Jones, goes out of his way to say in the release ""This isn't about personalities, and it's not about costs..."

Hart was a 25 year veteran of Dow Jones, if this isn't about personalities, it is definitely about the old DJ guard being turfed out by the new News Corp. boys.

As for Hart, she tells Reuters that her future is "up in the air." I would take a guess that this new year redundancy was not the type of Chrismas present she was expected from Rupert this year.


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Elizabeth Lumley

Elizabeth Lumley

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