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4 Financial Tips That People Suffering from a Chronic Disease Need to Keep in Mind

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Self-sufficiency and financial freedom involve a lot of things, but financial literacy is by far one of the most important of them all. 

Managing money and understanding how to go about it is very important for people living with life-threatening illnesses. 

After all, these health concerns can take a huge toll on your finances, and as such, knowing how to navigate through them can save you a lot of stress and pain down the line. 

Here are some tips that you can explore:

  1. Create an Emergency Fund 

Likely, you will not be as productive as you used to once your health deteriorates. This is why it helps to have a rainy-day fund somewhere to cater to your expenses during this time. 

Personal finance experts recommend a rainy-day fund that can cover between 6 to 9 months of your basic living expenses. 

Please also note that you may be required to make any changes in your life once you start digging into the emergency fund. The goal is to limit unnecessary spending as much as you can.

2. Pay Off Your Debt

Debt repayments can take a huge chunk of your monthly income. 

Whether it’s a mortgage, credit card debt, student loans, or even car payments, they will add up to substantial chunks of money when you put these amounts together. 

This will make it very hard for you to budget and live within your monthly income. So, it is recommended to figure out how you can reduce or get rid of this debt as soon as possible. Also, no matter what you do, do not take in more loans.

3. Create Cash Flow 

Cash flow means more money coming into your account than going out. This is typically achieved by having multiple income sources, mostly passive. 

Cash flow can help you accumulate money very quickly. This can then be used to clear off debts or build enough savings to keep you afloat during health emergencies.

4. Consider Passive Income

If you have managed to build up some savings, it’s time to make that money work for you by investing it smartly. 

After all, there is no point in leaving all that money stashed in the bank when it could be generating more returns for you passively. 

Smart and safe investments that provide decent returns are encouraged. However, if you are unsure how to go about this, you can sit down with a money manager and discuss how best to deploy your money for the best returns.


Keeping your finances under control during life-threatening illnesses can help you cope with your health concerns more effectively. 

Some programs may also offer financial assistance for ALS patients and folks with other diseases. You can click here to learn more about how you can take advantage of them during your time of need.




This content is provided by an external author without editing by Finextra. It expresses the views and opinions of the author.

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