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All-important KYC reused

KYC reused - good for Society at Large29 July 2018  |  3373 views  |  0

The banking sector is doing most of the strong e-ID services needed in Finland. There are some 4000 organizations and all of the public sector using this services (dating back to the early 90s..).

Central bank statistics reveal continuing strong growth also in 2017:

2014: 56,2 million times

2015: 69,4

2016: 84,7

2017: 100,9 (a suitable and very valuable gift from the banking sector to Finland's 100 year anniversary)

Banks are legislated into strict KYC and must use secure tools. Banking services are used all the time (create habit) and are trusted. This secure on low cost Finnish innovation has been implemented also in other Nordic and Baltic countries. Why not everywhere?


Mobey Forum driving:

As banks have a unique opportunity to position themselves as the most trusted identity providers, Mobey invites you to join the discussion on the business opportunities for banks in digital ID at our new Expert Group on Digital Identity.

This new group will be kicked off at the Paris Member Meeting on 18 Sep and will continue meeting on regular conference calls as well as face to face at Mobey’s Member Meetings.


 “Identity and Identity Management as Business Enablers for Banks”

  • Can we define the role of banks within an identity management framework? 
  • How can banks build a business around identity management? 
  • What are the key drivers?  
  • What are the potential revenue streams? 
  • How feasible is it for banks to tap into this ecosystem? 

In addition to a general discussion on these topics, the goal of the Paris meeting will be to outline the potential scope and options to focus on as a group moving forward. To enrich the discussions, we invite active participation on the topics highlighted, as well as feedback on the direction, structure and content.




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