Online bank sites experienced a significant drop in customer visits between August and November 2001, according to the latest quarterly Internet ratings from Barclays Bank and research firm Mori.
The index shows confidence at 111.35 points and use at 46 per cent for November 2001, following a seasonal summer slump when confidence dipped to 97.7 points and 39 per cent respectively. The most popular activities for online users were e-mail (88%) and using the Web for information and research (87%).
Online banking use slipped for the first time by nine per cent since August to 30 per cent. Previously, online banking was one of the few activities to consistently increase each quarter and has seen a seven per cent increase from this time last year.
Simon Newman, Barclays eWorld director says the drop in online banking is surprising. "Barclays online banking statistics were as high as ever during November - with online transactions rising by over 11 per cent from August to November.”