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Alexander Boehm

Alexander Boehm Chief Executive Officer at PayRate42

Why Private Watchdogs Are the Missing Link in Modern Financial Regulation

The financial world is facing a host of challenges brought about by technological innovations and digital transformation. Traditional regulatory authorities play a crucial role in overseeing the sector, but the evolving dynamics of the modern financial landscape—particularly in the realm of cyberfinance—demand additional players: private watchdogs...

/regulation /inclusion

Erica Andersen

Erica Andersen Marketing at smartR AI

The Reality Check on AI Progress: Challenges and Opportunities

Introduction: The AI Hype Cycle In early 2023, the world was shaken by OpenAI's announcement of GPT-3.5. This breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI) sparked a global rush to capitalize on AI's potential, with companies and investors scrambling to join the AI revolution. However, 18 months later, the landscape looks markedly different. While

/ai /devops Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Edvards Margevics

Edvards Margevics Co-partner at CONCRYT

Are truly frictionless payments a pipe dream?

Gone are the days of signing for a payment – even entering a pin number can prompt exasperated eyerolls from consumers accustomed to completing transactions with a single tap. That expectation has now made its way online, with Open Banking making it increasingly possible to pay without entering card details. But with authorised push payment (APP)

/security /payments

Prakash Bhudia

Prakash Bhudia HOD – Product & Growth at Deriv

Nvidia stock dips after earnings, is a major bounce on the horizon?

Nvidia shares dipped 6% after earnings on Wednesday despite beating Wall Street estimates of $28.7 billion and 64 cents earnings per share, to record $30.04 billion and 68 cents earnings per share. Despite the uptick in earnings, it failed to meet the lofty expectations of investors who are accustomed to steeper revenue increases as had been s...


Ellen Roberson

Ellen Roberson Global Marketing Advisor, Risk, Fraud & Compliance at SAS

Banking on GenAI: 3 techniques for fighting fraud and financial crime

Fraud, risk, and compliance departments worldwide face a rapidly evolving and expanding workload, fueled by increasingly complex modern-day fraud and financial crimes. According to data from the FBI and Deloitte, generative AI (GenAI) is expected to rapidly increase fraud losses over the next few years. But even as AI technology galvanizes bad act...

/ai /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Helghardt Avenant

Helghardt Avenant CEO at Rehive

A case for non-custodial neobanks

Imagine a neobank that operates entirely onchain, free from the constraints of traditional banking systems. What once seemed futuristic is now within reach. The question is—who will be the first to launch a truly non-custodial neobank? More importantly, why is this model better than the traditional ones? Neobanks have revolutionized banking, makin...

/retail /inclusion

Franklin Manchester

Franklin Manchester Principal Global Insurance Strategic Advisor at SAS

Takeover Terminated: Preventing Life Insurance Account Takeover with Data and AI

This article originally appeared in the Anti-Fraud Alliance email newsletter and is re-published here with permission. Life insurance fraud is the second most expensive type of insurance fraud in the United States, with losses totaling an estimated $74.4 billion per year. Anecdotally, many carriers note that, while insurance fraud detection rates ...

/ai /crime Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Patrick Bermingham

Patrick Bermingham CEO at Adflex

The AI Act: what impact will Artificial Intelligence really have on B2B payments?

Visit any social media newsfeed and countless posts will tell you that AI means “nothing will ever be the same again” or even that “you’re doing AI wrong”. The sheer volume of hyperbolic opinions being pushed out makes it almost impossible for businesses to decipher between the hype and reality. This is an issue the European Union’s ‘AI Act’ (the ...

/ai /payments Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Hirander Misra

Hirander Misra Chairman and CEO at GMEX Group

Reimagining Climate Finance for a Sustainable Future

The accelerating pace of climate change demands a fundamental shift in how we approach climate-related investment, carbon trading, regulation, and the integration of sustainable practices into the global economy. The conversation around these issues has moved beyond theoretical discussions to focus on practical strategies that define what "go...

Steve Ponting

Steve Ponting Director at Software AG

Compliance: Seeing the woods, AND the trees

Two thirds (65%) of businesses say that tech complexity makes governance issues worse. In an industry like financial services, this simply won’t do. As FS and banking Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) know, rapid deployment of new technology and processes since the pandemic has forced a complexity onto businesses which causes headaches for employees...

/regulation /people

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