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Finextra Community sets up Twitter A-list

Micro-blogging site Twitter has begun rolling out its new list-building feature which enables users to curate themed lists of Twitter accounts. For example, you could create a list of celebrity accounts or choose to follow a narrower list of friends, co-workers or business contacts.

We've been dabbling with the facility this afternoon and have created a new list featuring tweets from Finextra Community members.

If you're curious to see what other members of the Community get up to when they're not blogging on Finextra you can now track their movements in the Twittersphere by following us at

So far we've managed to track down the Twitter accounts of 35 Community members, a mere fraction of the full Community roll-call, but a start. If you're reading this and you're not on the list simply send a direct message to and we'll add you in.


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Paul Penrose

Paul Penrose

Head of Research


Member since

06 Oct 2006



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