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Moving beyond the economic swamp

I find it ever so fascinating to scan the economic news each morning. Doing so reminds me that old curse "May you live in interesting times". As almost anyone will tell you, our world market situation is certainly interesting. What it is not, is enjoyable. Our goal as a civilization, and my goal as an individual professional in this market, is to move beyond these interesting times and into a period of stability. So, how do we move beyond the economic swamp we find ourselves currently stuck in?

The answer seems simple. We pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and survey the land. Once we see that we're not wiped out by economic malaria or drowned in the markets' bogs & quagmires, we move out of the swamp and onto dry fertile land. Most of us are not Lehman Brothers or Northern Rock. Nor are we destined to follow in their wake. That realization will help to push out of the swamp just a little faster.

What else do you suggest we do to speed the recovery? 


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