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RZB CEO Walter Rothensteiner to deliver keynote at EBAday 2009

The Euro Banking Association and Finextra are calling for community input on the agenda for EBAday 2009 in Vienna, Europe's premiere payments exhibition and conference.

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Innovation in wholesale payments, beyond e-invoicing

I'm expecting that again this year there will be a lot of talk about e-invoicing at EBAday in Vienna, particularly as the expert group and EPC are working to break down the remaining barriers to widespread adoption (such as these).

But beyond just the level playing field for e-invoicing, I'm looking forward to hearing more about what's being done under the umbrella of "e-Sepa", moving beyond just the invoicing component to achieve full automation of the payment value chain.

E-Sepa has been talked about for a number of years (for example this from the ECB's Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell in July 2006), and it's always nice to say of complex, costly and time consuming processes: "wouldn't it be great if all this could be automated?"

But convincing the SME sector across Europe of the benefits to them specifically (and not just to the environment, or general industrial efficiency) is going to be a challenging task, requiring much more carrot than stick.


Comments: (1)

Daniel Szmukler
Daniel Szmukler - EBA - Paris 06 May, 2009, 11:31Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes


With regard to ongoing SEPA progress, last month it was reported that 66 major banks from 16 European countries have registered with EBA CLEARING for the future Core SDD Service. Amongst them, 44 banks have as well signed up for the new B2B SDD Service. Both services are scheduled to start their operations on the official launch date of the SDD Schemes (2 November 2009).

By setting a definitive launch date for the SDD Schemes and starting the adherence process in May, the EPC has provided the necessary certainty for the banks to finalise their preparations in view of the November live date. The major payment banks across Europe are now committed to joining one or both of the STEP2 SDD Services and are ready to start testing. 

The next challenge will be to convince bank clients, in particular public authorities and SME's, to make best use of it.  


Elton Cane

Elton Cane

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News Corp Australia

Member since

16 Feb 2007



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EBAday is the annual event for European payments professionals organised by Finextra and the Euro Banking Association. This community has been created to deliver a forum for EBA delegates to exchange views on instant payments, open banking and new developments in payments processing and technology.

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