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An article relating to this blog post on Finextra:

Pre-paid card with proof-of-age launched in UK

A Visa card that combines pre-pay functionality with government-approved proof-of-age verification has been launched in the UK.

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Hey let's dumb it down for the yoof market

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I thought this was a Nathan Barley-style spoof at first. Surely a web site can't be this bad? Not even BBC3 looks this 'yoof'.

What crack team of marketing geniuses thought this dumbed-down, quasi-text speak would appeal to the kidz? The kids may be young but I bet some of them can actually spell and the rest can spot when they're being spoken down to or patronised.

And what a trendy site. The FAQs and news are empty and the corporate link takes you to an under construction page. Nothing like getting everything together and tested before you launch is it? Innit.

Does this inspire confidence in the future of banking? Roll on the asteroid strike.


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