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2022 (1)
Stephane Rio

Stephane Rio

CEO at Opensee
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Capital Markets Technology

Risk data journey: from challenges to opportunities

24 Oct 2022

Regulatory reporting requirements and time-sensitive business data demands are forcing financial institutions to confront the challenges of defining their global data journey strategy. At stake is constant access to aggregate or run impact simulations on heterogeneous sets of data that get larger every day. Institutions face demands from regulator...

Capital Markets Technology

How financial institutions can unlock the unrealised value of big data and address a sector issue

29 Mar 2021

Financial organisations dealing with hundreds of terabytes of data are currently sitting on unrealised opportunities to serve their customers, gain competitive insight and satisfy regulators. Firms need to work more intelligently with today’s data volumes to become more resilient and better withstand future shocks to the global financial system. Y...