MasterCard Remote Payment and Presentment Service (MasterCard RPPS) has launched a new campaign to raise public awareness of electronic bill payment and presentment (EBPP) services.
The campaign includes the publication of a full-colour brochure to provide consumers with a concise, easy-to-read introduction to online bill-presentment and bill-payment features and benefits. The brochure is available to participating financial institutions and service providers of MasterCard RPPS in an electronic version for publication over Web sites with permission.
Cathleen Conforti, vice president, MasterCard RPPS, says: "EBPP growth will be possible only with enhanced consumer adoption, and education is key to helping us reach that critical level of understanding...Individuals will change their billing and payment behaviors only if they understand the benefits of EBPP and have confidence in the security and reliability of the service."
According to Jupiter Media Metrix, the number of households receiving bills electronically as well as paying them online is projected to rise to more than 40 million by 2005 from less than 3 million this year.