Suncorp Metway, Australia's second largest general insurance company and sixth-largest bank, has launched what it claims is the nation's fastest online banking system.
Performance Technology, an independent specialist in Internet banking site audits, has rated the site the fastest Internet banking site in Australia. The site proved to be an average of 59 percent faster than the competition when compared on a number of different criteria, says the auditor.
The Internet banking software behind the new site is provided by Corillian, which successfully replaced Suncorp Metway's previous S1 EBS 3.1 solution with its own Voyager platform.
Ray Reimer, group general manager, business distribution, says: "We wanted to give our customers an Internet banking service with a range of practical features that made it easier to do business with us."
Martin Davis, executive vice president, Corillian International, describes the contract as a major development for the company and the development of its Australian business.