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Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The day I realized Fintech was becoming just the same as everything else

I've been in Fintech since before we called it Fintech. Some would say that Fintech has been around for decades, as soon as Bank of America deployed ERMA (Electronic Recording Method of Accounting) in the 1950s, but even though the term was commonplace by 2009 amongst practitioners, the term Fintech got very little industry use until 2013, and the...

/startups Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Predicting the future is hard, but online surveys are useless trending indicators

A recent study by YouGov and ACI Worldwide seemed to suggest that the whole digital disruption of banking thing all adds up to a hill of beans. The study which says that mobile banking and payments are basically a bust, seems to indicate that consumers aren’t using the tech that banks and FinTech’s are rushing to implement. The data to support thi...

Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Innotribe's blockchain keynote gets swamped

In Singapore this week, the incredible response to the discussion on the “blockchain” at SIBOS Innotribe is indicative of a massive shift taking place globally in banking today. FinTech, or Financial Technology, is taking over the world of banking and financial services as most of what we’ve thought of as banking is now simply become software. Sof...

Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Digital Bank or FinTech? Sorry, you're not a Digital Bank

If you listen to the Breaking Banks AM Radio Show today (also available via stream and podcast) you'll hear a spirited rematch of the Great Digital Banking Debate that Michal Panowicz and I had on Twitter a few weeks ago. Anyone who is in a FinTech, of course, believes that FinTech represents the future of the banking experience, but Digital Banke...

Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

What the FDIC study misses, and it's a huge gaping sink hole

The recent release of a report by the FDIC on Branch actiivity proclaims proudly that branches are here to stay, at least for the timebeing, and there is little sign of a downturn. There are some serious flaws in the research though, and it is these gaps that will come back and hurt banks that do any long-term planning based on the FDIC's report. ...

/retail Online Banking

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

What Jack Ma can teach Santander about the role of branches and growth

I know there's been considerable debate about the Santander press coverage today where they 'intend to use old-school branches, plus a more aggressive IT budget to beat off competition' from tech start-ups, platforms and pure-plays. Here's the thing - the attackers are attacking the distribution model, so a plan that articulates doubling down on a...

Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Why the Facebook of Banking won't own a charter

2014 was the biggest year in FinTech by far with billions being invested globally, which is to be expected in a global growth sector. But how much was invested globally in FinTech this year? It depends on how you classify FinTech. StrategyEye estimated that there was $2.8Bn raised in 2014 via venture capital investments in FinTech. However, this do...

/startups Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Why Ebola might kill cash

The Fear Factor on Ebola is over the top right now. We are spending countless hours in the media analyzing footage of health workers, figuring out how a nurse in Texas contracted the disease despite strict quarantine procedures, and debating over whether to travel on aircraft. In all of this though, the transmission methods of Ebola have been well...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

The Inmates are Reforming the Asylum - Innotribe

Reprinted with permission from Huffington Post... On September 17, 2011 a group of protestors gathered in Zuccotti Park in New York to protest the growing influence of corporations and the financial services sector. The Occupy Wall Street movement still evades our language today with cries of "we are the 99%" having been damped, but not...

/sibos Innovation in Financial Services

Brett King

Brett King CEO & Founder at Moven

Africa, ApplePay and the iPhone 6: Resistance is futile

If you've followed my bullish ramblings on mobile payments here at Finextra, you'll know that talk of the coming ubiquitousness of mobile payments is nothing new for me: Why Square Wallet failed, and why Coin card is next... (May 2014) Why payments are disappearing, and mobile will win (Oct 2013) Why the iPhone means the end of Swipe and Cards (Se...

/payments Innovation in Financial Services

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