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Standards Forum Day Four

Last day. Are you still in one piece?  Ask me again tomorrow.  The standards forum wraps up Sibos 2013 with another full agenda.

Prof. Poppe, who has really put a shift in this week, gets the day off today. We start at 9:30am with a session on standards for asset servicing. For “asset servicing”, read “corporate actions”.  Put an extra shot in my espresso please.

Next up is the 3rd and final spot in the Future of Standards series.  Today James Whittle will address this from the perspective of collaboration. James was recently elected to be the Convenor of the Registration Management Group.  This is the group within ISO TC 68 that governs and manages the 20022 standard. Congratulations James. Can you handle all that power?!?

Immediately following James is a discussion around how standards for Islamic Finance. Must admit to not knowing a whole lot about the subject, not much call for it round my way. Must pay attention.

Lunch is served with another dose of conversation about regulation. This time it’s my old friends Martine Brachet; who bats for France on many many groups and committees; and Karla McKenna; who is chair of TC 68, which basically means she is Head of EVERYTHING!

The penultimate session is a case study on how standards can drive innovation. Case in point is BPO. That’s Bank Payment Obligation to you and me.  Something else I don’t know a whole lot about.  Hmm.  There’s a pattern here.

And finally… drum roll please… the final session on the final day. The Standards Forum is officially closed with some parting thoughts from a distinguished bunch including Chris Church, James, and Jan Snitzer who is Chair of ISITC.

In the closing session the winner of the Geek of the Week will be announced so get your questionnaires in today.  To the winner I say, I’ll let you be a geek for a week, but I AM THE REAL STANDARDS GEEK!

See you all in Boston!



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Standards Forum

The Standards Forum is the place where business and standardisation meet. This group would like to facilitate and encourage dialogue around standardisation in the financial industry, and share views, insights and updates on how financial standards can contribute to reducing cost and increasing efficiency when tackling today's challenges such as automation, compliance, and regulation.

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