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2019 (2) 2018 (1)
Martin Kisby

Martin Kisby

Head of Compliance at Equiniti Credit Services
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Bio I am Head of Compliance at Equiniti Credit Services, a leading provider of loan application, administration and collection software systems that enable extensive automation of business processes. Career History I have over 15 years of experience in sectors including consumer credit, insurance, debt purchase, contingent collections and external oversight.


Operational Risk Management

SM&CR - what is it and why do we need it?

30 Aug 2019

Following the banking crisis in 2008, the Parliamentary Commission for Banking Standards (PCBS) recommended the creation of a new framework focused on increasing senior management accountability. Based on this recommendation, Parliament passed legislation in December 2013 that prompted the primary regulators of the financial services sector, the F...

Financial Risk Management

From Profit Police to Strategic Imperative: the Changing Face of Credit Compliance

07 Jan 2019

For any FCA regulated firm, the risk and compliance function is an essential and integral part of the business – but it wasn’t always that way. Martin Kisby, Head of Compliance at Equiniti Credit Services, explores the motivations behind the evolution of compliance functions in consumer credit firms. Risk and compliance departments, once held ...

Financial Services Regulation

Don’t be weak in spotting vulnerability

24 Oct 2018

Is the answer to how best to define a vulnerable consumer really as simple as quoting the FCA’s definition? “A vulnerable consumer is someone who, due to their personal circumstances, is especially susceptible to detriment, particularly when a firm is not acting with appropriate levels of care.” Whether every vulnerable consumer ‘is especially susc...