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2024 (1) 2022 (1)
Martin Bradbury

Martin Bradbury

Regional Director, Financial Services UK&I at Dynatrace
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Banking Regulations

Preparing for DORA: A Roadmap to Compliance for Financial Institutions

20 May 2024

Financial services providers are essential for the modern world, supplying the systems critical to the flow of business. Ensuring these systems are resilient and available 24/7 is vital to upholding customer trust, driving business continuity, and maintaining regulatory compliance. The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), a European Union (...

Banking Regulations

PRA regulations: Building operational resilience in financial services

15 Nov 2022

Financial services providers operate some of the most critical systems that both consumers and businesses interact with on a daily basis. Everything from buying a coffee to paying an invoice or taking out a mortgage is dependent on having continuous access to a bank and its services. It is vital that these services are resilient and always availab...