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2020 (1)
Tim Scammell
Accolade: Blog group founder

Tim Scammell

Office of the CFO at SAP
Message Message me Posts: 1 Comments: 0
Bio I work with finance professions across the financial sector to help them shape the way they collect, process and report information. This involves building a shared vision amongst the financial community and then helping them enable that outcome. Career History Qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Coopers and Lybrand. Worked in public practice till moving to Credit Suisse, then to Commonwealth Bank and UBS all in Financial control and cost management. Later to IT leadership and software startups. Now work with SAP and position their core financial management solutions across our major financial services customers.


Financial Transformation

Turning Numbers into Actions

29 Jan 2020

Today's executives are facing mounting pressures from a variety of new sources. The Traditional demands of product evolution and revenue generation remain unchanged. However, the wide-ranging ramifications of digitisation are forcing business leaders to evaluate new dimensions, such as customer experience, channel management, IoT, blockchain, and ...