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2019 (1)
Ferenc Muck

Ferenc Muck

Head uf UX/UI, Product Designer, Co-founder at Family Finances
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Bio I am co-founder of Family Finances as well as a well-trained design enthusiast and expert helping financial institutions to deliver the appropriate UX to their millennial and Gen Z customers. I like to get my hands dirty and create state-of-the-art UIs thus satisfying younger generation needs. Career History I conducted my masters studies in learning leadership and management, while completing a UX and digital product designer course at a prestigious art and design university. I also gained expertise during real-life field-work at Prezi, where I always brought my personality to my projects.


Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

7 and 1 extra tips for designers about hackathons - Part 2.

17 Jul 2019

Last week we shared our first 4 tips for designers about hackathons. In the following article, we are going to reveal the remaining 4 secrets to win! 5. Handling the handover The ultimate design thinking phrase “Show don’t tell” plays an important role here. If you want to create stunning UI animations: build the prototype, don’t leave your develo...

Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

7 and 1 extra tips for designers about hackathons - Part 1.

10 Jul 2019

How we won our first hackathon focusing on little big details Hackathons are creative platforms for creating new solutions and searching for a new perspective on how and which way the industry could advance in its improvements. Many industry-focused hackathons such as fintech, insurtech, edtech, etc. competitions are working as idea shops. Stakehol...