Neonet, the independent execution services provider, today announced the appointment of Peter Melbi as new Chairman of the Board as well as the addition of Stellan Abrahamsson as a new Board member. Both will act as independent Board members.
"Peter Melbi's deep market knowledge and broad network will be a great asset for Neonet", said Fredrik Näslund, Partner, NC Advisory AB, advisor to Nordic Capital Fund VII, the owner of Neonet. "Peter Melbi's extensive experience from the financial markets coupled with Stellan Abrahamsson's insights into the regulatory environment will be crucial to help guide the evolution of Neonet in these exciting times. Neonet now has the strength to seize the opportunities in the market."
Peter Melbi most recently held the position as CEO at Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag. "Increased competition in the European equity trading landscape has not had the effect regulators intended. It is becoming increasingly hard for investors to know how to maneuver this market and for brokers to sustain a profitable business. I believe that Neonet is in a unique position to help solve this pan-European problem", said Peter Melbi. "I am therefore very excited to accept the role as Chairman of the Board of Neonet and use my experience to help develop the company."
Stellan Abrahamsson has thorough financial industry experience mainly within the risk management area and was until recently Group Supervisor at Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority). He is now running his own consultancy focused on financial risk management.
Stellan Abrahamsson and Peter Melbi both joined the Neonet Board as of May 2012. At the same time the previous Chairman, Thomas Bill, left the Board. The other members of the Board are Tomas Ljunglöf, CFO of Orc Group AB and Joacim Wiklander, CEO of Neonet.