NYSE Euronext (NYX) today announced the following management promotions officer appointments for U.S. operations which are effective immediately.
Promoted to Executive Vice President:
Ronald Jordan, Market Data Services, and John Malitzis, Regulation.
Promoted to Senior Vice President:
Faith Altenhaus-Peyser, Technology; Andrew Bach, Technology; Edward Boyle, U.S. Options; Peter Boyle, Technology; Paul Cassell, Technology; James Draddy, Regulation; Jeffrey Eubank, Global Affairs; Robert Hill, Trading Operations; Steven Hirsch, Technology; Mario Jiminez, Technology; Madhu Kannan, Global Corporate Client Group; Janet Kissane, Office of the General Counsel; Sunil Seshadri, Technology; Leroy Whitaker, Human Resources; Mark Wille, Trading Operations.
Promoted to Vice President:
Shelley Barney, Trading Operations; Paul Bauccio, Trading Operations; Jeanne Breuer, Technology; Brian Clark, Technology; Brian Faughnan, Technology; Paul Greenhaw, Trading Operations; Robert Hesdra, Trading Operations; Daniel Labovitz, Regulation; Marc Leibman, Corporate Audit; Courtney Leimkuler, Corporate Finance;Richard Llewelyn, Technology; Susan Lui-Facendola, Regulation; Kyle Morse, Regulation; Raymond Pellecchia, Communications; John Scheidemantel, Technology; Ronald Siko, Trading Operations; David Weiss, Trading Operations.