SunGard Futures Systems has announced the release of Query Builder, a real-time reporting system for financial database applications. The vendor has also launched an intranet version of its account risk module (ARM), part of the GMI back office system.
Both systems are available in a browser-based, ASP environment maintained and hosted by SunGard.
Query Builder is designed to provide retail end users and back office operations with enterprise-wide decision support and reporting.
The system retrieves information from back office applications and can perform 'bridged' queries on multiple databases.
SunGard says the solution eliminates the need for users to rely on IT staff to build reports, or learn SQL commands or other third party reporting tools.
In addition, SunGard has announced that its account risk module is now available in a Java-based, intranet environment and features enhanced querying and manipulation of calculations, as well as variance definitions for individual monitoring of accounts.
The system provides a link between front office systems and GMI's back office data and performs firm-wide revaluation on accounts, including positions, trades, cancels, cash, busts, collateral, option premium and offsets.