BBVA makes site search more like Google

BBVA makes site search more like Google

BBVA USA is working with search expert Yext to make finding information on its website more like using Google.

The bank is one of a handful of companies to beta test Yext Answers, a natural language processing search engine that firms can embed into their own websites.

When customers search the site they can ask questions as they would in Google and get an answer built on BBVA USA's knowledge graph, a database storing hundreds of thousands of structured facts about the bank. This helps the program to actually understand the queries and give accurate, contextual responses.

Yext's system also means that customers do not need to toggle between multiple search bars. No matter the question - or the page its asked on - the answer comes back in a single response that includes knowledge cards, maps and other information.

BBVA USA says the technology is likely to reduce the number of calls to its customers service teams, cutting costs and improving customer satisfaction.

Steve Creel, director, digital platforms, BBVA USA, says: "Google has made the answers economy a customer expectation. So when the search on your business site doesn't live up to expectations, the result is frustrated consumers, and that can have a spillover effect that ultimately impacts business."

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