Wireless carrier Telesp Celular has implemented EverSystems' Ev-MobilePayments platform for the roll out of micropayment and airtime top-up services within South America.
The system, marketed by Telesp as Waaap Pag, allows users to conduct small value payment transactions via their WAP-enabled wireless phone. These include payments for movie tickets, petrol, as well as food from vending machines and restaurants.
To use the service, subscribers initially log-in to the Waaap Pag Web site and open an account by supplying either a Visa card or Bradesco bank account number. Once the account is in place, subscribers establish a browser connection with their WAP-enabled device, then using the on-screen menu, select the desired options and input the transaction value. This value is then verified and charged against the account, and the appropriate amount is authorised to the device or at the point of sale.
Users must provide a password to authorise each sale, and can opt for limitations on the volume, and the aggregate value, of transactions. Because the user's personal financial information is not stored on the handset, nor broadcast over-air, risk from phone theft is further diminished says EverSystems.