Barclays Capital and Winterflood Securities have teamed up to develop an electronic bond trading platform for the retail markets. The Bondscape system will offer competitive pricing from Barclays, Winterflood and HSBC as well as market information and research.
There are established retail bond markets in many European countries and Barclays and Winterflood say they foresee a growing demand for bonds amongst UK retail investors. The European Investment Bank (EIB), the largest non-Gilt issuer in the sterling bond market, says it will shortly launch its first bond for UK retail market over the platform.
Antony Di Lorenzo a director at Winterflood Securities says: "UK retail investors have tended to see the bond markets as an institutional preserve and not for them. This isn’t surprising, as they have been difficult to access, however, their predictability of income and relative stability make them excellent for financial planning. We want Bondscape to make the link with the retail market."
Initially, Bondscape will offer private client stockbrokers and advisers access to more than 200 bonds. Prices will be displayed, to encourage a competitive market as well as offering market analysis, to support client advice, says Di Lorenzo. Currently undergoing final tests, the system will be fully operational during the summer.
Accessible over the Internet and also through the Thomson Primark Global Topic system, Bondscape will offer realtime pricing, market research, and settlement through Crest.
Michael Dyson, a director at Barclays Capital, says: "Crest settlement means that brokers will be able to buy and sell bonds in the same way that they deal with equities. This whole system will make investing in bonds faster and more efficient.
"In an era of low interest rates and equity market volatility, bonds’ relative security and levels of income make them particularly relevant."
Barclays and Winterflood estimate that up to 250 stockbroking and advisory firms will make use of the service for their clients. While not accessible to private investors, Bondscape plans to white label the service for brokers in the future, providing brokers’ clients with trading capabilities online.
René Karsenti, director general, finance at EIB, comments: "EIB has £28 billion in outstanding issues in the sterling bond market which has become one of EIB's major sources of finance. In other European countries EIB has a substantial retail investor base and we hope that that will increasingly become the case in the UK."