
Latest Results from /sibos


Sibos 2022: ‘The biggest problem with ESG is its complexity’ – Brown Brothers Harriman

At Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam, we spoke to Adrian Whelan, global head of regulatory intelligence, Brown Brothers Harriman, ahead of his panel session, ‘Green, clean, and ESG: Rewiring capital markets for a new generation of responsible investors.’


Sibos 2022: Blockchain is still the ‘Holy Grail’ for data – JP Morgan

JP Morgan is celebrating the success of its blockchain application Confirm this week, following announcements that Deutsche Bank and Visa have been brought on board as key partners.


Sibos 2022: Are fractionalised digital assets red herrings?

Discussions around the recent digital asset boom and its acceleration despite the market for tokenised securities remaining nascent kicked off at Sibos 2022 in Amsterdam. Sitting on a panel, Yuval Rooz, CEO and co-founder of Digital Asset, highlighted that he believes that “fractionalisation is a red herring.”


Sibos 2022: MAS chief floats private blockchain networks for cross-border payments

Private sector-led blockchain-based networks and stablecoins could fix "slow, opaque and inefficient" cross-border payments, says Monetary Authority of Singapore managing director Ravi Menon.


Sibos 2022: Will banks make hay while the fintechs suffer?

Questioned as to whether banks’ history of failing to innovate is what paved the way for challengers to flourish, Anne Boden, founder and CEO of Starling Bank, explained to the Sibos audience that while big banks struggled to transform their platforms for years, a slew of neobanks emerged with convincing value propositions.


Sibos 2022: BaaS provider delays cost fintechs $11m a year – ClearBank & Aite-Novarica

New research from ClearBank and Aite-Novarica Group reveals that half of fintechs are losing $11m per year in product delays due to BaaS (Banking-as-a-Service) providers. The report states that fintech firms must now embrace an embedded banking approach.


Sibos 2022: Open banking in the UK - it’s high time for a review

In the lead up to Sibos 2022, Finextra spoke to Dan Globerson, head of Bank of APIs at NatWest, to explore how he is leading the bank’s regulatory commitments in the UK and Europe, driving a culture of API enablement, and collaborating across the industry by establishing standards.


Sibos 2022: ISO 20022 harmonisation delay for CPMI to ‘get the guidance right’ - BofE

The Financial Stability Board (FSB) today published priority themes for the next phase of the G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-Border Payments, delivering a handful of updates and timeline revisions to its 2021 Progress Report.


JPMorgan and Visa link blockchain payment networks

JPMorgan Chase and Visa are to establish connectivity between their global private blockchain networks, Liink and B2B Connect.


Sibos 2022: Mastercard showcases Global Treasury Intelligence

Mastercard has launched a new platform to help corporate treasurers keep track of payment flows across multiple business lines.


Sibos 2022: India’s regional banks – the state of play

Ahead of Sibos 2022, Finextra spoke to Baldev Prakash, managing director and CEO of one of the oldest private sector banks in India, Jammu & Kashmir Bank, about their technology roadmap, the subcontinent’s economic recovery and the geopolitical implications of the Russia-Ukraine conflict despite being a smaller bank.


Sibos 2022: Payments Processing as a Business to boom - Celent & Icon Solutions

Celent and Icon Solutions research released on the first day of Sibos 2022 has revealed that payments processing will soon no longer be perceived as a commodity, but instead as a business opportunity.