
81 results about this entity

Period: 23 Jun 2004 - 23 Oct 2024

Deutsche Börse CollCo project green-lighted by Eurex

Deutsche Börses's Collateralised Coin Project for shifting collateral among banks using tokenised digital coins has been given the go-ahead for a full-scale pilot by Eurex Clearing.

Regis-TR confirmed as the SFTR Trade Repository for Clearstream and Eurex

REGIS-TR, the pan-European leader in G20 trade repository services will be the Trade Repository of choice for Clearstream and Eurex, providing a fully flexible reporting service solution for Securities Finance Transaction Regulation (SFTR) requirements.

Eurex to launch electronic price discovery platform

The international derivatives marketplace Eurex, part of Deutsche Börse Group, enhances its market structure to address industry trends and further meet its member’s needs.

Eurex Clearing announces partnership programme

Eurex Clearing, one of the world’s leading Central Counterparties (CCP) and part of Deutsche Börse Group, has developed a partnership program designed to further accelerate the development of a liquid, EU based alternative for the clearing of interest rate swaps.

Deutsche Börse combines selected Eurex products in low-cost data package for private investors

Effective immediately, Deutsche Börse Market Data + Services is offering the new information product “Eurex Retail Europe” which contains selected Eurex products to private investors free of charge.

Eurex Clearing and PGGM work together on CCP model for Securities Lending

Eurex Clearing, Europe’s leading clearing house and part of Deutsche Börse Group, has announced that PGGM, the cooperative Dutch pension fund service provider offering institutional clients asset management, pension fund management, policy advice and management support, is the first buy-side client to become a direct participant of Eurex Clearing’s Securities Lending central counterparty (CCP).

Deutsche Börse looks for collateral shift with 'CollCo' digital coins

Deutsche Börse has filed a patent for a new way of shifting collateral among banks using tokenised digital coins.

Eurex Clearing wins US regulatory approval

Eurex Clearing, Europe’s leading clearing house and part of Deutsche Börse Group, has been approved by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) as a registered Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO).

Eurex Clearing launches PME calculator designed with OpenGamma

Eurex Clearing would like to inform Clearing Members, Non-Clearing Members, and Registered Customers about the new Eurex Clearing Prisma Margin Estimator (Eurex Clearing PME) designed in collaboration with the financial technology company OpenGamma.

EquiLend and Eurex Clearing to cooperate in securities lending

EquiLend, the securities finance trading and post-trade service provider, and Eurex Clearing, one of the world’s leading clearing houses and part of Deutsche Börse Group, agreed to connect EquiLend’s securities lending platform to Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP service.

Morgan Stanley to join Eurex securities lending CCP

Eurex Clearing, Europe’s leading clearing house and part of Deutsche Börse Group, announced that Morgan Stanley, one of the leading global investment banks, will become a clearing member of the Securities Lending CCP. Both partners aim to have finalized the process by the end of October.

Trading disruption at Eurex adds to fears over market resilience

Trading on the Eurex derivatives exchange was halted for 60 minutes on Monday due to a technical error, the latest in a series of glitches to hit exchange operators worldwide.