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Vote for the top public intellectuals

Foreign Policy magazine has opened the doors for us to vote on the world's top 100 intellectuals. We can also put in candidates we think deserve to be on the roll call. I saw the usual suspects are in there - Thomas Friedman, Mohd Yunus, Amartya Sen, Jeffrey Sachs, Pope Benedict XVI and host of names in whose wisdom we normally soak in.

Do put in your votes at

Voting closes on May 15 and you can vote only once!

You will notice that the list is dominated by political scientists and economists. Information Technology specialists are conspicuous by their absence. Maybe it is not important to do smart things; you should be able to explain things in an 'intellectually' sounding way! I thought the names like Al Gore and Salman Rushdie the most 'miscasted' nominations. You don't see Alan Greenspan in it either!

Put in your nominations too.



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