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2023 (1)
Michael Berman

Michael Berman

CEO at Ncontracts
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Bio CEO and Founder of Ncontracts, one of the fastest-growing risk and compliance management companies in the financial services industry. Michael's extensive experience as an attorney in helping large and small companies manage agreements, vendors, compliance, and risks led him to establish Ncontracts as an efficient and affordable way for companies to manage risk. In-demand speaker, frequent contributor to industry publications, and author of the book, The Upside of Risk. Career History Michael combines decades of legal and regulatory experience with an extensive background in business strategy to solve operational risk challenges. He was a General Counsel at Goldleaf Financial Solutions, and since 2009, he has been a Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Ncontracts. Graduate of Cornell University and the University of Tennessee Colledge Law.


Information Security

Strengthening Cybersecurity Defenses: The Significance of Vendor Cyber Monitoring

18 May 2023

In the rapidly evolving landscape of cybersecurity, financial institutions face an ongoing battle to protect their systems and data. That battle extends beyond their own systems and data to those of their critical third-party vendors. Not only must they protect their own systems from cyberattacks, they must also ensure that the third-party vendors...