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2023 (1)
Paul Moukhin

Paul Moukhin

Partner at BDC Consulting
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Bio Paul is responsible for designing business and growth strategies, building and managing relationships with investors and strategic partners including VC, Payments, CEX/DEX, DeFi, DAO, Metaverse, NFT, Gaming, Wallets, Supply chain, L1-2, etc. He is successfully raised 40M dollars for various crypto projects and acted as a consultant for more than 50 Web3 startups. The web3 companies he advised boast an impressive turnover exceeding 1.5B dollars. Paul's expertise and passion continue to drive innovation in the crypto world. Career History A crypto enthusiast with over 6 years of experience in the industry. Paul Moukhin is a CBDO and partner at BDC Consulting. He also co-founded the Crunchbase for the web3 platform Lets Rise. Paul is inspired to contribute to the development of the crypto industry as a speaker, advisor and startup mentor.


Cryptocurrency Insights

What are inflationary and deflationary cryptocurrencies?

03 Aug 2023

In the wide expanse of the digital financial universe, cryptocurrencies shine as pioneering assets, challenging the traditional framework of economics and ushering a shift in financial transactions. They are the vanguard of financial innovation, democratizing monetary power through decentralization, and introducing an unprecedented level of transp...