Beam, a social enterprise that supports homeless people into stable jobs and homes, has been added to Revolut Donations.
Revolut users can now donate to Beam, and help homeless people raise funds for training, work tools, travel costs, childcare and rental deposits, directly through the app. Funds donated to Beam through Revolut Donations will be distributed equally between Beam’s beneficiaries, who each get their own “crowdfunding” profile on Beam’s website to remove the financial barriers in their way. Beam then matches them with ethical landlords and employers, in sectors ranging from construction to healthcare.
Revolut users will be able to see the impact of their donations through a dedicated Revolut impact page on Beam’s website. This allows them to follow the progress of the people they’ve supported and send messages of encouragement to spur them on. 100% of beneficiaries reach their target within an average of 16 days, making Beam one of the most efficient ways to support homeless people in the UK.
With Revolut Donations, 100% of the money given goes straight to the chosen charity or organisation. Donations can be found on the hub or by searching “donations” in the Revolut app and users can choose to set up recurring donations, spare change donations, or simply make a one-off donation to the cause of their choice.
Alex Stephany, Founder and CEO of Beam, said: “We’re excited to bring Beam to Revolut’s community of more than 20 million users. Just as Revolut has empowered customers to make the most of their money, Beam is showing there’s a new way to support homeless people for the long-term: by giving them the skills, tools and confidence to earn a living and become financially independent.”
Christopher Guttridge, General Manager - Lifestyle Products, said: “By enabling users to donate electronically, and pass 100% of the donation to those who need it most, we hope that the Revolut community can support the great work that Beam and its technology is doing to solve homelessness.”