Wiener Börse AG announces its partnership with WSD Group, a London-based provider of document-centric automation solutions for financial institutions.
Wiener Börse AG announces its partnership with WSD Group, a London-based provider of document-centric automation solutions for financial institutions. This new collaboration will create synergies for capital market participants across the entire life cycle of a financial instrument and streamline the listing process for structured products issuers. Raiffeisen Centrobank AG was the first customer to implement the automated process, where structured products master and reference data were transmitted to all partners in a standardised way.
"Stock exchanges have always been leaders in the field of digitalisation. In electronic stock trading, all processes have been digital for decades. A new form of digitalisation now also enables straight-through-processing when listing structured products at the Vienna Stock Exchange. We are looking forward to further developing the listing process to the benefit of capital market participants,” said Matthias Szabo, Director Debt Listings, Wiener Börse AG.
"As structured products manufacturers roll out straight-through processing across all parts of their business, our ability to offer integrations with downstream systems becomes ever more important," said Mathias Strasser, Chief Executive Officer of WSD Group. "We are pleased to collaborate with the Vienna Stock Exchange to offer manufacturers that use PRIIP Cloud the ability to seamlessly list their products on the exchange. The ability to drive product listings from a single data stream saves time, reduces operational error, and increases efficiency."