Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) has today launched the JPX ESG Knowledge Hub as part of its website.
The JPX ESG Knowledge Hub is a platform where listed companies can access a variety of ESG investment and sustainable finance-related information in one place, building on the Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure which JPX and TSE published in March 2020. Companies can find in-depth, hands-on and up-to-date information and guidance on ESG disclosure provided by a variety of related parties including institutional investors, regulators, the Japanese government, and other listed companies. Contents as of the launch date are as below.
Contents as of launch (all contents are in Japanese only)
1. “Practical Seminars for ESG Disclosure” online seminar series
A series of online seminars where expert speakers from around the industry take a deeper look into the issues set out in the Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure.
2. Information on ESG disclosure and ESG investment
Examples of disclosure from other Japanese listed companies
Introductions to the main ESG disclosure frameworks
Information from institutional investors on their ESG investment practices and how they use ESG information
Introductions to the main ESG ratings agencies
In time, JPX plans to build the ESG Knowledge Hub into a platform connecting investors and companies. For this purpose, we are inviting listed companies to sign up as “ESG Knowledge Hub Members”, which will enable them to receive timely updates on new content and events, etc., and invites to Members-only events, among other things.
Meanwhile, investors and other related parties who provide information to the Hub, or who support ESG disclosure in other ways, are encouraged to become “ESG Knowledge Hub Supporters“. As of today, the Hub has 28 Supporters, including the Japanese Financial Services Agency, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of the Environment, as well as institutional investors, ESG ratings agencies, accounting firms, and others from both inside Japan and overseas.
JPX will continue to encourage the spread of ESG investment in Japan by supporting listed companies’ ESG disclosure through the Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure and the JPX ESG Knowledge Hub.