The renewal of the agreement between the Italian State Police and SIA for prevention and the fight against cybercrimes involving the information systems and services of the Country’s critical infrastructure has now been signed.
The agreement, signed by the Chief of Police - Director General of Public Security Franco Gabrielli and Chief Executive Officer of SIA Nicola Cordone, falls within the scope of the directives issued by the Ministry of the Interior to strengthen the prevention of cybercrime through the stipulation of agreements with operators providing critical infrastructures and services.
SIA is a leading hi-tech company, subsidiary of CDP Equity, operating in the fields of Card & Merchant Solutions, Digital Payment Solutions and Capital Market & Network Solutions for Central Banks, Financial Institutions, the Public Sector and Corporates.
The Group, which provides its services in 50 countries worldwide, is a critical infrastructure of national interest - particularly in the management of payment services and access to financial markets - and it is therefore necessary to ensure the integrity of the IT systems vital to the pursuit of the corporate mission.
The agreement represents a further and significant step in the process of building an effective collaboration between the public and private sectors - a project that, in consideration of the insidious and ever-changing nature of cyber threats, is a fundamental instrument for the realization of an effective system to fight cybercrime based on shared information and operational cooperation.
For the Italian State Police this task is guaranteed by the National AntiCrime Computer Centre for Critical Infrastructure Protection, run by the Postal and Communications Police, which for years now has been dealing with the protection of public and private companies’ IT networks which are of national and strategic importance.