Being on the right track and speeding up every month, Salt Edge quickly reaches a significant milestone for the company and the industry itself – successful integrations with 500+ open banking APIs.
This number is especially important since now the company is integrated with banks in every country of the European Union.
A few weeks ago, Salt Edge celebrated the integrations with 400+ bank APIs, and now it is time for half a thousand connections, which is quite an achievement with benefits for all the market participants. The overall number of 500+ open banking APIs includes some big names: CMA9, Monzo, Revolut, Erste Group, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, UniCredit, N26, and Amazon Mastercard.
Salt Edge is working hard toward achieving its goal of connecting all the open banking APIs available within the EU. The process can be puzzling sometimes with a number of different issues arising, but keeping a collaborative attitude from both sides helps to go through the integration smoother. So there is a strong need for cooperation between banks and third-party providers. The next steps for Salt Edge include integrations with Crédit Agricole, Cecabank, DKB, solarisBank, Groupe Société Générale, and so on.