Instant Payment allows for the completion of account-to-account payments within 10 seconds. Groupe BPCE’s introduction of this new service – a first in France – offers many advantages for all categories of banking and insurance customers, be they individuals, merchants, companies or administrations.
Whether used for real-time compensation of insurance losses, flight purchases in Europe or inclusion in mobile banking services, Instant Payment is now a reality in France for Natixis Payments and Natixis Assurances clients and will shortly be available for Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne customers.
“Natixis Payments has been investing in infrastructure for several years now in order to bring this new payment service to clients. These solutions - a first on the French market - have been devised to optimize the user experience, a prime example being real-time notification for beneficiaries”, explains Pierre-Antoine Vacheron, member of the Senior Management Committee of Natixis, in charge of payments.
As from today, Natixis Assurances becomes the first insurance company in France to offer clients an innovative and exclusive service providing for instant compensation of insurance losses. Immediately after presenting their insurance claims, insured customers will have their bank accounts credited in real time with the compensation paid out.
Banques Populaires and Caisses d’Epargne are also set to be the first banks in France to offer an Instant Payment ordering and reception service, available 24/7/365. Starting this autumn, the two retail banking networks will offer customers the chance to use their mobile banking service for secure Instant Payment, whether they want, for example, to reimburse family members, pay for second-hand goods purchased from other individuals or pay for work done by tradesmen at home.
In addition, Air France and Natixis Payments are today announcing a partnership that places Air France at the vanguard of efforts by French merchants to foster the take-up of Instant Payment. Through the partnership, Air France customers in Europe will soon be able to buy flight tickets or pay for a service with this new means of payment.