Many companies today want to tap into artificial intelligence quickly but are not sure where to start.
With the launch of AI Express, Mastercard will help companies develop a tailored artificial intelligence model that answers real business questions and can be swiftly deployed.
Interest in artificial intelligence is strong: More than 80 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs see the technology as very or extremely important to their company’s future, according to a study by Fortune. Viewed as a vital capability for industries that have rich data, many companies still lack the experience and expertise to extract the intelligence that can improve consumers’ experience.
“If data is the oil that powers the digital economy, artificial intelligence is the refinery,” said Ajay Bhalla, chief security solutions officer at Mastercard. “Mastercard has gained significant experience in the application of AI at scale in a mission critical environment. For companies looking to take advantage of the technology today, AI Express offers quick results along with the know-how to move forward with a full-fledged artificial intelligence deployment.”
The AI Express program was designed to help companies address key business priorities, including:
Anti-money laundering
Fraud risk management
Cyber security
Credit risk prediction
Operational efficiencies
AI Express is one example of how the Brighterion capabilities are helping Mastercard play an active role in accelerating the adoption of artificial intelligence and machine learning by opening up its proven platform to the wider industry. The capability is built into the multi-layered security strategy of the Mastercard network to act within milliseconds to detect and manage fraud. The systems continually get smarter and power proven Mastercard security solutions like Decision Intelligence, Safety Net, Early Detection, Authorization IQ. Now, AI Express enables Mastercard customers to benefit directly from the same advanced artificial intelligence capability.