Wall Street Horizon and Estimize partner to help investors find Alpha
Wall Street Horizon, the corporate events surveillance expert, and Estimize, the preeminent crowdsourced financials estimates platform, today announced they have partnered to provide their respective datasets to each other’s platforms in an effort to help investors find additional sources of alpha.
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Effective immediately, Wall Street Horizon Enchilada subscribers will have access to Estimize’s crowdsourced earnings and economic estimates, and Estimize’s clients will have access to Wall Street Horizon’s forward-looking earnings date calendar.
Many of the world’s top quantitative and systematic investors use Wall Street Horizon’s and Estimize’s unique datasets in a variety of different ways to generate alpha. These firms rely on the accuracy of Wall Street Horizon’s earnings dates and Estimize’s earnings estimates to forecast upcoming volatility and directional movement in stock prices. By offering both on the same platform, clients can have a higher degree of confidence in their investment and trading strategies that are tied to corporate earnings.
Commenting on the partnership, Leigh Drogen, Estimize Founder and CEO, said: “Wall Street Horizon is as dedicated to forecasting earnings announcement dates as we are to forecasting earnings. In our business, accurate and timely data is critical to success and as corporate event dates are concerned, Wall Street Horizon is unmatched. We’re thrilled to begin this relationship and are excited about the benefits Wall Street Horizon’s data will bring to our clients.”
“Estimize has quickly become the most trusted source for earnings estimates, making the addition of their data a huge win for Enchilada users,” said Bruce Fador, Wall Street Horizon President. “I have great respect for Estimize’s approach to forecasting corporate earnings and look forward to working closely with Leigh and his team on providing our clients with the most valuable data possible.”