Fiserv, Inc. (FISV), a leading global provider of financial services technology solutions, announced today that InfoLink Services Limited (ISL) has chosen Fiserv as its single technology partner for all electronic payment transaction processing, delivering PCI compliance and EMV capability.
ISL, a joint venture corporation equally owned by four major commercial banks in Trinidad and Tobago, operates the LINX® debit network, which switches over 40 million transactions per year for member banks and licensees. ISL utilizes POSH™ from Fiserv for reliable transaction processing throughout the payment transaction lifecycle.
“We selected Fiserv to consolidate our network into a single, cost-effective and versatile solution that will meet all of our foreseeable payment switching needs. The Fiserv solution offers us the flexibility we need to provide future support for our Member banks and Licensees, as well as ensuring scalable delivery to support future growth and innovation,” said Glynis Alexander-Tam, General Manager, InfoLink Services Limited. “ISL reaches the debit users throughout Trinidad and Tobago. End users of the LINX network will benefit from a reliable, secure payments infrastructure with the latest EMV acceptance capabilities.”
Available to organizations outside the U.S., including U.S. territories, POSH can be used as a stand-alone solution for terminal management, payment, authorization and switching or as an addition to an existing legacy payment infrastructure. Supporting multiple global currencies, the solution helps ensure a transaction is delivered to the issuer or network with full compliance, meeting all PCI security standards.
To facilitate the support of multi-channel transactions for merchants, the most recent product enhancements for POSH include full-featured EMV support, remote key injection handling, mPOS support and robust integration capabilities. Fiserv offers high availability options to help ensure constant, real-time authorization. Through its stand-in processing module, it can also provide availability during both planned and unscheduled outages. Running on a cost-effective, easy-to-maintain Windows-based server platform, POSH can help clients reduce investment risk and improve operating efficiency.
“ISL is a forward-looking organization with a strong reputation for delivering a reliable debit network throughout Trinidad and Tobago. By upgrading and consolidating to a single payment transaction platform, ISL can deliver new services for their members quickly and cost effectively,” said Oscar Muñoz, senior vice president, LACC Payments Solutions, Fiserv. “With successful implementations in numerous countries and billions of transactions processed annually, Fiserv has the expertise to handle the complex switching needs of organizations like ISL, as well as financial institutions, merchants, cash in transit operators and third-party processors.”