PJSC Leto Bank (VTB Group) and Wincor Nixdorf announce the successful completion of the migration of the bank’s ATM fleet to cash recycling technology.
The project was launched in February 2014 and the entire network was migrated to the cash recycling system (CRS) platform by July 2015. Today, the bank’s CRS fleet amounts to 377 devices.
In 2013 Leto Bank began to test cash recycling systems with the aim of cutting the costs of ATM fleet operation and maintenance. This type of self-service device allows customers to withdraw cash in the form of banknotes that were previously deposited into the CRS by other customers. CRS technology also enables bundle deposit and withdrawal of up to 200 bills per transaction instead of the typical 40 per bundle at regular ATMs. CRS usage has shown that these systems are much more efficient than traditional deposit ATMs.
In 2014 the bank actively piloted CRS machines in live operation to assess the cost impact of CRS usage as well as operational criteria. The bank’s basic KPIs for this pilot project were defined as: the operational reliability of the system (interval between CiT visits, note recognition efficiency, number of notes processed by the CRS without OoS events), performance, customer usability, and the quality of software and hardware maintenance provided by the vendor. One CRS was installed at a bank branch in May 2014. A CiT visit was not required until after 7 months of operation, compared with a typical 2-3 visits per month. Thanks to the robust and efficient operation of the CRS, the total volume of withdrawals at this machine exceeded the initially loaded cash volume by 16 times owing to customer deposits.
Chairman-President of Leto Bank, Dmitry Rudenko, comments: “From the very beginning we aimed at creating a special bank. Today we’ve taken one more step in this direction: we are the first in Russia to equip all our branches with innovative and reliable CRS machines. It’s a successful business project: the launch of this revolutionary technology has enabled us to cut the cost of CiT services more than twice, and the project’s ROI is expected in 12 months.”
“VTB Group and innovative Leto Bank in particular are very important clients for our company. Regular monitoring of the CRS CINEO fleet via our ProView network management solution, the collection and analysis of diagnostic data, recommendations to the field service engineers with regard to fault management, remote installation of updates, preventive maintenance, regular revision of spare parts stock in the regions — that’s just a brief list of the daily activities that we successfully perform for Leto Bank’s CRS fleet. The decision to migrate the entire ATM fleet to cash recycling technology based on the CINEO platform is the best proof of the fruitful partnership between Wincor Nixdorf and the bank,” emphasized Christian Weisser, Senior Vice President of Wincor Nixdorf International GmbH.