OTAS Technologies, the preferred decision support partner to the world's largest global institutions, today launched OTAS Base, an API and visualisation toolkit for developers to assist in building applications that integrate OTAS analytics and visual elements.
Using OTAS Base, developers can quickly and easily build applications that include OTAS' intraday analytics on over 10,000 stocks worldwide and also that deliver the look and feel of the OTAS interface.
Uses for OTAS Base include displaying OTAS flags and stamps within an internal Order Management System (OMS) or Portfolio Management System (PMS). Early adopters have embedded market microstructure charts and trading alerts into dealing platforms. More advanced applications may access a wide range of the existing OTAS content to display alongside a firm's internal proprietary analytics.
Tom Doris, CEO of OTAS Technologies, said, "By using OTAS Base, developers capitalize on best-in-class market analytics and OTAS user interface components too. Applications that leverage the toolkit will look great with relatively little effort. OTAS Base is built entirely on open web standard technologies like HTML5. We don't impose a framework so developers can use the parts that are useful and build software on their own terms."
OTAS Base is hosted in the OTAS private cloud. Clients access and integrate content with proprietary data and analysis behind their own firewalls. Users determine the conditions under which OTAS analysis raises flags and signals and can adapt the look to suit their own needs. Clients of OTAS Base create bespoke applications to match exactly the demands of their businesses.